Steps To Produce
All the steps We Pounders use are traditional. Even farmers nowadays rely on genetically modified seeds which are so harmful for human consumption. These seeds don’t have immunity to fight plant disease and because of that farmers have to spread a lot of pesticides and this degrades the rice crop nutrients and land as well. We Pounders don’t use pesticides. They remove all weeds with their hands.
Seed Preparation
We Pounders don’t use genetically modified seed, we use traditional paddy seeds, which are passed down by our ancestors, and we preserve it. The yield of these traditional seeds is low. We are not making a huge amount of money out of it but that doesn’t matter as we want to provide nutrients, the traditional authentic taste, the aroma and most importantly the rice which helps you to fight diseases and not the reason for your diseases. Let’s check out the steps:-
Sort out good paddy grains from last year’s crop. We keep these natural human hand pounded rice paddies in leakage proof bamboo baskets. Then we fill the water and leave it for 24 hours.
After 24 hrs. we take out the paddy from the bamboo basket and put it in another dry bamboo basket. We cover the paddy with jute cloth. We leave this in a dry place for next 2 days.
The paddy seeds are sprouted and they are ready for the agricultural field.
Nursery Making
In this step we will convert sprouted paddy seeds into a nursery. Here the dry fields are plowed 2 times. Our mother cow will do the leveling of the fields. the We Pounders natural human hand pounded rice paddy seeds are ready to go in wet soil after the rain. Few days after plantation, the roots are taking hold, and they are ready for further plantation.
Plowing And Land Leveling
We use a traditional method for plowing, we combine 2 oxen with wooden tools and tillage to the surface of the ground which makes land soft and pulverized. The traditional technique we use to make plowing for natural human hand pounded rice is to make sure that the little earthworms in soil won’t die because earthworms are friends of farmers. They help farmers to make the soil fertile.
The land leveling is a completely traditional process. The wooden tool is tied in two pairs of bullocks. For plowing and leveling some farmers use tractors, and it creates so much heat and all the earthworms die due to pressure from tractor tires. This degrades the quality of land and crop as well.
Transplanting Rice Seedlings
Now in this step, we at We Pounders first prepare the field ,plow for two times before monsoon. Here we uproot the paddy sampling. We make multiple bundles of 10 sampling each. After this, we tie bundles with paddy straw. By using a shoulder pole (Carrying pole, Kavad, Jhelgi) we bring bundles of paddy saplings from Paddy Nursery to the actual rice field and spread them evenly around the field. This work is very tiring, and it lasts for many days even if its raining.
We Pounders Rice Aging
In this step we sun dry the paddy for 2-3 days. And then, rice paddy is filled in big earthen pots for 2 years. Filling in earthen pot is traditional old household practice passed from generation to generations. This protects the rice from getting spoiled from insects. This process is called aging. There is evidence in history where pots have been used to increase the shelf life of rice. so that’s what We Pounders is also believe in traditional methods. Aging is costly and nowadays, the aging is not at all performed .The aging makes the We Pounders natural human hand pounded rice a lot more nutritious.
Traditional Pounding
Whenever order arrives at We Pounders, we take aged rice from an earthen pot. And for every order fresh pounding is done. That means you will get real natural human hand pounded rice.
Packaging And Delivery
We pack Hand Pound Rice in 1 KG Eco Friendly Pouches. We sun-dry and then do Airtight waterproof, tamper-proof packing. This Rice is safe till the next 3 years. No bugs or insects in Rice, we do not add any chemical. We put 1 KG Rice packets in waterproof thick white corrugated boxes. Our delivery boy is expert in doing their job, they will search your home and do home delivery.
We live in a very rural remote small forest-based village in state Chhattisgarh. We need one day to do fresh pounding. Next day we do pack and shipping, it will take 4 to 5 days for delivery. Because of our solid packing we guarantee you that you will get rice packets in perfect conditions.