What Is Hand Pounded Rice?
First of all, hand-pounded rice is not brown rice. Lots of companies sell brown rice as hand pounded rice. People think brown rice and hand pounded rice are the same. People search for hand pounded brown rice. But both are completely different. Check these images –

History says “ we have been eating rice since 14000 years ago. Earlier people were eating raw rice called Mudi Biyyam/ Dampudu Biyyam/ hand pounded rice. So, the rice we were eating was hand-pounded rice only. As there were no machines, no electricity , no chemicals present at that time but one thing was present i.e traditional time tested method “hand pounding” and that is the great “ health asset”. The wooden device was the health asset used by our ancestors for pounding the rice. Rice is pounded using a wooden device with a hammer-like handle called the rice pounder. This way, all the micronutrients, fiber and oil content of the rice is preserved just the way mother nature offered us.
Hand pounding rice is also called as Hathsadi Tandul in Maharashtra, Kaikuthal Arisi in Tamilnadu, Dheki Rice in central India. Pounding of the rice is an art. Our ancestors have been adhering to this art through the ages. This process takes a lot of time and a lot of skills. The whole process of rice pounding is manual where the complete work is done by humans and zero involvement of machines. If no machines were used that means no heat in rice production and that ultimately means all the vitamins, fiber and iron content of the rice are protected. What you get is the real rice. Rice with all the addition of health and only health. This is real human hand pounded rice. The hand pounded rice just get you in a heaven because its really a very tasty rice.
Frequently Asked Question’s
Some frequently asked questions about what is Hand Pounded Rice.